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Communication With Parents

A productive partnership between parents and the school is essential if children are to develop to their full potential.

The school communicates via:

  • Parents' evenings
  • School Website
  • The Cwmbran High App
  • ClassCharts
  • Writing to parents
  • Inviting parents to visit

However, Cwmbran High School wants the relationship between school and home to be interactive. You are, therefore, very welcome to contact the school, preferably by email, if you have any queries or concerns about your child's progress.


Every pupil receives an annual report reflecting their progress for Attainment, Effort and Behaviour. Reports generally vary a little for different year groups.  Year 9 reports, for example, contain details of National Curriculum levels. Pupils also receive Progress Checks three times a year which detail how your child is engaging with school life with regard to their conduct and effort.

Parents' Evenings

Parents' evenings are currently held as a combination of  virtual and in person meetings at set points throughout the academic year. For virtual Parents' evenings we use the  'School Cloud' platform which facilitates a five minute  slot to meet all relevant teaching staff.  Parents' evenings generally follow the annual report to focus the discussion. 

Information Evenings

Year 5/6

The school holds a Year 5/6 Open Evening in the Autumn term showcasing all departments across the school. This is a valuable opportunity for parents and pupils to ask questions and experience what the school has to offer.

Year 7

Year 7 Meet the Tutor evenings are held  during the Autumn term to enable parents to meet their child's Form Tutor and discuss how they are settling in to secondary school.

Year 9

The school also organises an Option's Evening for Year 9 pupils where all subject leaders are available to discuss their subject content and offer support and guidance with pupil's subject choices for GCSE. Post 16 Education providers also attend this open evening along with Careers Wales to further support and advice.

Year 10 and 11

The school holds a Key Stage 4 Information Evening once a year where parents are provided with information regarding the transition to Key Stage 4 and the requirements of the GCSE syllabus within English, Maths and Science.    This is usually held in the Autumn term.